enable logic

英 [ɪˈneɪbl ˈlɒdʒɪk] 美 [ɪˈneɪbl ˈlɑːdʒɪk]

网络  启动逻辑; 赋能逻辑



  1. The Flow Order primitive has been introduced in V7 to enable deterministic branch firing logic within a mediation flow.
  2. They enable common mediation logic to be reused across multiple mediation flows.
  3. Module startup beans enable J2EE applications to run business logic automatically, whenever an EJB module starts or stops normally.
  4. Transactions enable us to delegate many elements of exception handling and recovery to the TPM and the RMs, simplifying our code and freeing us to think about application logic instead.
  5. Build reusable components that enable different forms of business logic.
  6. Composite applications enable creation of coarse-grained services with flow logic to determine the execution sequence of the services.
  7. Integrating these systems would enable them to adjust to new and changed business processes more quickly, without the need to manually develop new functions or continuously develop integration logic.
  8. You can see how these models enable rapid development of an example application that contains a Web service endpoint and client, uses EJBs for business logic, and uses JSF as a Web front end.
  9. The main problem is, that Spring uses some kind of proxy mechanism to enable the AOP and the transactionaly handling, which intervenes with precompiled logic in the JSF framework to some extent.
  10. It would enable us to develop an enterprise class matching service reusing some of the logic that was already implemented in one of our legacy applications.
  11. An analysis of an example shows that when applied to an actual system, the scheme can enable the key computing program and the logic representation layer to be rationally distributed in the entire technique support system, increasing the computing speed and the stability of the system.
  12. We use a open-source framework-DWR for the development of Ajax, DWR enable Javascript code can directly access Java methods, and eliminate all Ajax request-response cycle from the application code, the procedure takes only about business logic.
  13. The production rules enable the accurate and detailed expression of the experts 'control thinking, which makes fuzzy logic controller characterized by artificial intelligence function as experts do in a certain degree.
  14. This experimental system will enable the students to experiment on both individual components and the whole machine. The former include the adder, multiplier, divider, arithmetic logic unit, controller, memory and etc.; the complete machine experiment can perform functions of each individual component.
  15. Probabilistic graphical models enable us to efficiently handle uncertainty. First-order logic enables us to compactly represent a wide variety of knowledge. Combining the both in a single representation has been a longstanding goal of AI research.
  16. Wireless sensor networks enable information on the logic of the world and in close connection with the real physical world, that is to truly realize the "ubiquitous computing" model.
  17. This dissertation maintains that the internal control capacity is the kind of capacity which can design and implement the internal control, the existence of such a capability would enable the integration of internal control, and better reflect the inherent logic of internal controls and operational law.